Last updated: 2021

California Tax Rate Information


State Income Tax

Income tax is a tax that is imposed on people and businesses based on the income or profits that they earned. The tax rates are broken down into groups called tax brackets. Income tax brackets are required state taxes in California based on relative income and earnings.

California state income taxes are listed below. In addition, check out your federal tax rate.

Tax Brackets

Tax RateSingleMarried
1%$0 - $8,932$0 - $17,864
2%$8,933 - $21,175$17,865 - $42,350
4%$21,176 - $33,421$42,351 - $66,842
6%$33,422 - $46,394$66,843 - $92,788
8%$46,395 - $58,634$92,789 - $117,268
9.3%$58,635 - $299,508$117,269 - $599,016
10.3%$299,509 - $359,407$599,017 - $718,814
11.3%$359,408 - $599,012$718,815 - $1,000,000
12.3%$599,013 - $1,000,000$1,000,001 - $1,198,024
13.3%$1,000,001 - No limit$1,198,025 - No limit

Deductions and Exemptions

Standard DeductionPersonal ExemptionDependent Exemption
Single$4,601$124 credit$383 credit
Married$9,202$248 credit$383 credit

Sales Taxes

Sales tax, or use tax, is any tax that's imposed by the government for the purchase of goods or services in the state of California. Any sales tax that is collected belongs to the state and does not belong to the business that was transacted with.

7.25%State Taxes1.43%Average local tax8.68%Combined Tax

Property Taxes

Property taxes are collected by local governments in California and are usually based on the value of the property. Money that is collected from these taxes is often put back into local communities to help improve the schools, infrastructure, roads, and other community and public works projects. The property tax rates listed below are the average for properties in California. Actual property taxes may vary depending on local geographic factors that affect the property values.

0.76%Combined Tax

State Tax Rankings

  • 42 Sales Tax Ranking
  • 16 Property Tax Ranking
  • 50 Income Tax Ranking

Ranking Scale
1 = lowest state tax rate
50 = highest tax rate.

  1. April 15, 2021

    Uber and Lyft drivers and other ride hailing apps have drivers signed under them; but the riders are not Uber employees. Rather, they work as independent contractors. The difference lies in a lot of the terms, and one of the most obvious is tax time...

  2. February 01, 2021

    Your taxes might not be due for a few more months, but there are plenty of good reasons why you should file your tax returns early...

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